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Adenium Varieties

Adenium Varieties

Adenium is a small genus of deciduous succulent shrublets, shrubs or small trees, found in tropical and southern Africa. The genus name is derived from the geographical place name Aden in Arabia where the first known plant was found and recorded.


Adenium Obesum is one of the most common varieties. It comes in a lot of different leaf forms being small to large. There are a lot of different colors and plants can range from compact to tall.


Swazicum This form is described by its flowers as they are usually magenta colored flowers. The flower has a different tone about it and I find it very eye catching.


Arabicum is easy to identify as it has a big caudex with lots of stems. the leaves are usually fury underneath. Flowers are usually smaller and pink.


Somalense can be a tall growing variety which can make a real feature. It is usually one main stem with a bunch of branches towards the top.


FThe mentioned varieties are just some of the types you can get but there are many more. If you have been growing adenium and have a collection you will notice there is a lot of different leaf shapes and plant structures. They vary from thin to wide to greyish leaf coloring. Most people will have Obesum as it is the most common. I have swazicum, arabicum and obesum in my collection.